Sunday, July 16, 2006

Still not whole lot happenning in the life of a certain stig, but for the last week the weather has been absolutly awsome! The past three days have ben the hottest of the year, getting hotter each time. As such on friday morning 9 trees were cut down and hauled away by me and my parents, afternoon was spnt in the pool, saturday morning was spent working on the boat as the floor was rotted out, afternoon was spent in the pool only inturrupted by cutting down 2 more trees, sunday was, well, spent in the pool!! Something I could get used to!

I know this was old news, but, anybody watch/care about the world cup? First I was rooting for USA, not expecting much, then I found that I was right and wanted Brazil too win, then I just gave up on the whole deal. I'm glad it's over too be honest, now the five weeks filled with the lack of TopGear is finally over!


Spunky Trunks said...

Dude! Why you cut down trees???

AND Top Gear the english version??

stig said...

Most of the trees were dead, the rest were ugly or about too die, then there was the one that was shading the pool...
Plus one of my neighbors wanted the wood for this weekend....

Yes the English version of Top Gear, they had it here a while ago but it just wasn't as good. The threw parts of old episodes together and took out most of the good stuf....

Paul said...

Who cares pal, they're trees.

stig said...

Who exactly was that aimed at?

Paul said...

the tree hugger who asked why you cut down trees.