Tuesday, March 03, 2009


WHOA! Who the hell are you?!

So, yeah. I'm pretty bored, to be honest, and thought I'd pop in and see if this thing even exists. Apparently it does. Then I even guessed my username and password.

My the way things have changed. Well, I still like cars too much. I'm 17 now, I've got a job, car and a license, I've become a lot more serious about my photography and mountain biking.

It also just occurred to me that there's a very slim chance anybody's going to see this. Meh.


That's all for now, folks.


Spunky Trunks said...

Welcome back man! Get some of them photos up here!

stig said...

Thank you, thank you very much!

I've been thinking about starting a new blog. The whole "Street Race" thing doesn't really appeal to me any more, so yeah. If/when I do, I'll make sure to post up the new link.