Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Car Stuff:
Big news from my favorite car manufacturer tonight. That'll be Aston Martin. They've decided to build a practical car! It's called the Rapide. It's basically a four door version of the fantastic DB9. It's almost as fast too, the six liter V12 churns out 480 bhp, does 0-60 in under 5 secs and top end will be on the exiting side if 3 miles per minute...thats 180 mph. It's got some thoughtful details too. The doors are hinged slightly upward, so you don't hit them on high curbs. Nice. I'll sum it up at this point, it's almost as fast as a DB9, it's got twice as many doors, it's more practical with a hatchback, and it's as good looking...damn, I didn't expect that. Click on the little picture to get a bigger picture, then you can get an even bigger and clearer version.

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