Friday, January 20, 2006

Well technically it's a month, but still.
Name - January
Last Seen - around Sunday the 15th
31 days long, coldest of the year
What's with this weather?!?! It's a Friday night in the middle of the coldest month of the year in Northern Vermont, I should be geting ready to go snowmobiling tomorrow, but I'm not...because there's no snow. So much stuff has been changed by this. We've missed two ski trips, we'd normally be snowshoing in gym, I could be at home, outside, and not bored.

1 comment:

Peter said...

G'day Racer, thanks for stopping bye at holtieshouse, you have an interesting site, a little to "car centered" for me but keep up the good work.
Pick out a few other "car" sites and go make a comment or two, you should be able to work up a group of like minded people.