Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I just got home from school a couple hours ago and my back is fooked. I've got a severe throbbing pain right in the middle of my left shoulder blade. I just took some Advil and I hope it works, I have places to go tomorrow. I'm shadowing a friend to (hopefully) help me decide which high school I'm gonna go to.
At my own school today we had quite the conversation. One of my friends (I will from this point onward refer to him as Senator) was asking everybody whether the Girls Gone Wild movies blurred everything out like they do in the preview. (for the record I am not a porn obbsessed phycopath) It was funnier when it happeded than it is as I'm writing it I'm sure but there wasn't a person that he didn't ask as he called it a "life question". He finally got an answer and went to complaining about how Tipper (3rd or 4th person asked) didn't just tell him that it isn't censored. He didn't shut up until another person hit a ruler hanging off the egde of a table and it flew accross the room, hitting one person in the head and generally scaring the crap out of everybody. I walked right into the path of the second attacking ruler. That was really funny then, if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?


Paul said...

Oh I can laugh at myself. And for the record I am not a porn-obsessed phsycopath, if I were I would know if GGW was censored.

stig said...

Now nl I know you're perfectly capable of coming up with your own line.

Paul said...

I did. What the hell is a Stig?

stig said...

I've explained this to you before.
The Stig is topgears tame racing driver. for the cars they feature Stig drives them around their test track for a lap time, which then goes onto the powerboard (all the lap times).

stig said...

...and there's only one